외국어교수 이론/외국어교수법 소개

교수법 < 청화식 교수법

넥스컴 2019. 10. 28. 17:38

청화식 교수법이란?

청화식 교수법(Audio-Li
ngual Method, Army Method 또는 New Key)라고 알려진 교수법의 기원은 매우 흥미롭습니다. 그 기원은 제2차 세계대전으로 올라가고  청각 구두 접근법(Aural oral approach)으로도 불립니다. 이 교수법은 언어 학습의 행동주의 심리학과 구조주의 언어학에 바탕을 둔 교수법이기도 합니다. 두 차례의 세계대전 사이에 미국에서 영어로 외국어로 가르치는 데 참여했던 사람들이 구두 접근 방법을 사용했습니다. 


미국의 제2차 세계대전 참전은 미국의 외국어 교육에 중대한 영향을 미쳤습니다. 전쟁 당시 독일어, 프랑스어, 이탈리아어, 중국어, 일본어 등 다른 언어들에 능통한 통역과 번역사로 일할 요원을 공급하기 위한 외국어 교육 특별 프로그램을 만드는 것이 절실하였습니다. 그래서 1942년 55개 대학이 참여하여 "미육군 전문 어학훈련" 프로그램을 개발하였는데 그 목표는 군인들이 다양한 외국어 회화에 숙달하도록 하는 것이었습니다. 


구두 중심적인 접근 방법으로 집중적으로 군대식으로 학습하는 것시 효과적이라는 점을 확신시켜 주었습니다. 아래 동영상을 보면 청화식 교수법의 독특한 접근 방법을 볼 수 있는데 듣기 → 발음 → 말하기 → 읽기  → 쓰기의 순서로 연습합니다.


청화식 교수법의 접근 방법을 살펴보면 언어 이론으로는 구조주의 언어학에 바탕을 두고 있는데 구조주의 언어학의 주요 원리는 일차적으로 '말하기'고 이차적으로 '쓰기'라고 주장하였습니다. 언어학자 Moulton의 언어학적 원리들을 보면 그들의 주장을 알 수 있다(① 언어는 말이지 글이 아니다 ② 언어는 일련의 습관이다).


학습 이론으로는 구조주의 언어학과 같이 행동주의에 바탕을 두고 있는데  행동주의는 행동, 생각, 감정을 포함하여 유기체들이 하는 모든 것은 행동(behavior)로 간주되어야 한다는 명제에 바탕을 둔 심리학의 철학입니다. 그 절차는 ① 자극(Stimulus) ② 반응(Response) ③ 강화(reinforcement)의 순서이고 학습자는 이 과정을 따라야 합니다. 그리고 교사는 수업의 방향과 지도를 통제하고 상황을 선택하고 제시합니다. 


아래 동영상 수업안을 보면 교사는 칠판에 사람 그림 두명과 단어 'Salesman'과 'Woman'만 적고 20분간 듣기-따라읽기-대치-문장완성 등의 다양한 수업을 진행합니다. 


아래 청화식 교수법으로 수업을 하는 내용을 보면 강의 시작이 20분인데 상당히 많은 교수 내용이 보이고 있습니다. 처음에는 교사가 하는 말과 행동을 듣고 보기만 하라고 지시합니다. 처음에는 혼자 두 명의 역할을 하다가 (두 번 듣게 합니다), 그리고 교사가  줄씩 읽고 학생이 따라 읽고 잘못된 발음을 즉석에서 수정해 줍니다. 수업의 진행이 기계적인 학습의 반복입니다. 듣고 따라하고 고치고 또 따라하고, 그리고 다양한 유형의 문맥 속에서 문형을 연습하고 유추를 인지했다고 그낄 때까지 그 과정은 반복됩니다. 이 교수법의 장기 목표는 Brooks의 정의처럼 이중 언어(bilingual) 사용자처럼 제2언어의 언어 지식을 갖도록 하는 것입니다.


수시로 발음을 수정해 주는 것을 보면 '유창성'에 초점을 두고  소그룹으로 나누어 따라 읽기, 그룹을 반으로 나누어 따라 읽기, 전체로 따라 읽기, 발음이 잘 안되는 개인을 지명해서 따라 읽고 수정도 해 줍니다. 그리고 교사와 학생이 역할을 서로 바꾸어가면서 연습하고, 지원자를 두 명씩 나오게 해서 발표하게도 하고. 그리고 긴 문장에서 특정 부분을 교체해서 교사는 묻고 학생은 대답으로 pattern drill을 하면서 문법을 가르치는 것이 흥미롭습니다. 


인쇄물을 마지막에 주지만 학습자들은 내용을 이미 다 인지한 상태입니다. 그리고 인쇄물 없이 완벽하게 외워서 오는 것을 숙제로 내줍니다. 청소기 판매도 숙제하고 합니다~~ 수업 내용을 보면 읽고 쓰는 과정이 전혀 없고 학생들은 교사에만 주목하고 있는 것을 볼 수 있습니다. 어떻게 보면 수업내용이 지루할 것도 같은데 20분 동안 학생들이 배운 내용은 생각보다 많은 것 같습니다.  동영상을 보니 교사의 역할이 매우 크며 교실 수업은 많이 활발합니다. 그러나 교사의 능력이 교실의 환경을 많이 지배할 것 같습니다. 한번 시도해 볼만한 교수법이 아닌가 생각되지만 교사의 역량이 부족하다면 당황스러운 상황이 연출될 수도 있기 때문에 카리스마가 있고 경험이 많고 노련한 교사의 지도가 필요하다고 생각됩니다.


청화식 교수법에 대한 이론적 공격은 1960년대 미국 언어학 이론의 변화에서부터 시작되어 Chomsky의 언어학습의 행동주의 이론, 구조주의적 언어기술의 접근 방법에 반대함으로 쇠퇴하기 시작하나 현대 응용언어학에서도 이 독특한 교수법은 계속 도전중에 있습니다. 동영상 내용을 녹취하다 보니 20분간 이렇게 많은 의사소통이 있다는 것이 개인적으로 놀라웠습니다.


미국의 청화식 교수법과 영국의 상황중심 교수법은 언어 능력이 도입되는 순서, 목표어의 기본 구조와 문형을 훈련과 연습을 통해 '정확도'를 높이는 데 초점을 맞추는 점은 유사점이 많지만, 상황식 교수법은 직접식 교수법에서 발전된 것이기 때문에 청화식 교수법처럼 행동주의와 구조주의에 기반을 두고 있지 않아 강한 유대관계를 갖고 있지 않습니다.


수업 데모 (동영상)




I'm a teacher eductor at the school for international training. It's common in language teaching education programs to serve a current language teaching methodologies. At SI T, we do this by giving our teacher trainees a direct experience with each method. The purpose of this videotape series is to provide you with a similar the vacarious experience involving six common methods. yo-yo lingual method community language learning, the comprehension approach suggests a peeid Silent Wa and communicative approach. The intermediate level lessons you will oberve were taped at the television studios of the USIA in Washington DC and it is through the courtesy of the USIA but this program is being made available to you. 


The students were all volunteers who are studying English at the time. The instructors and experienced language teachers and teacher educators from SIT who of each taught students in various parts of the world using the methods they demonstrate for you here. For the sake of coherence the instructors have designed their lessons aeround a common theme namely that of a house. What you will see are somewhat condensed versions of the original lessons. All the steps of the lessons have been preserved but some of the participation has been trimmed in the interest of time. 


The instructors have tried to faithfully depict each method but of course each instuctor is also putting the principles into practice based upon his or her interpretation and experience. First I will introduce each method. Next you will observe the method in practice. afterwards I will point out the salient techniques and principles associated with each method. The lessons are meant only to introduce you to these methods. All of the methods have a richer repertoire of principles and techniques they can be fully portrayed here. If you wish to learn more, you may choose to consult my book 'Techniques and Language Teaching', published by Oxford University Press. As you view the tape, try to remain open to what you see. You may be missing out on something valuable if you reject any of the things you observe in these lessons because you don't see how they could apply to your own situation. 


For example, there are about 24 students partipate these lessons. Your classes may be much larger these. Rather than thinking this will never work with a larger class. Think instead is there anthing worthwhile for me in this technique and if the answer is affirmative, next ask yourself 'How then, can I adopt this technique to my own circumstances. Or, what other way can I put this principle into practice. Let your imagination create the possibilities for you. The first method we will observe is the audio-lingual method or ALM. It's a method with which many of you may already be familiar. My colleague Michael Gerald will now demonstrate the ALM. Watch carefully what the teacher is doing and what he is asking the students to do.

Good morning, class? 

Good morning, how are you? 

Fine, thanks. How are you? 

I'm good. 

Good, I'm happy to hear that. Today, today's lesson is going to be about 2 people about a salesman, a special kind of salesman. Now, you know what a salesman is. That's  a person who sells something to somebody else. A salesman. We'are going to today the salesman is a vacuum cleaner salesman and the other person. Here's a vacuum cleaner salesman. And let me write that 'Salesman'. The other person is a woman or we could call her a housewife. So now I want you to just listen and watch what I do. Listen carefully, watch what I do and try to understand. OK? 


Now, I'm a salesman now, OK? I'm going to be both people. I'm going to play two roles. I'm going to be the salesman and the woman, OK. ring-ring ring-ring ring-ring ring-ring.

Now, the woman. 'Hello?'

'Hellow madam, would you like to have the cleanest house in town?'

'Yes, of course, I would. 

'Then, madam, you need the amazing Hoover vacuum cleaner.' 

'No, I don't'

'What, why not?' 

'Because my husband does the cleaning in our house.



OK, now listen and I'll do it one more time. You just listen and don't talk. This time, listen again I'll do it one more time. 

Salesman rings the bell. 

Woman 'Good morning!'

'Good morning, madam, would you like to have the cleanest house in town?' 

'Yes, of course, I would.' 

'Then, madam, you need the amazing Hoover vacuum cleaner.'

Woman. 'No, I don't' 

Salesman says 'What? Why not?' and the woman says 'because my husband has the cleaning in our house and the salesman says 'Oh...


All right, now we're going to learn this together now. I'm going to help you learn how to say this whole dialogue OK? So, please repeat the first line is the woman says 'Good morning' 'Good morning' 'Good morning'

The salesman says 'Good morning, would you like to have the clearnest house in town?' 반복한다

OK, house in town. Just say that much houses, the cleanest house in town.

OK, just group D here. The cleanest house in town. Hey, the cleanes town. That's ok. The cleanest house in town. 다같이 반복. Just you, the cleanest house in town. 한 명씩 번갈아 따라 하고 발음 고쳐준다. 고쳐서 말하고 ''Good, OK.

This group. The cleanest house in town. 따라한다. Ah, no just right now just this group, OK. Let's get in a minute, in a minute. The cleanest house in town. Just clean this housing time you man. The cleanest house in town.발음정정.Good. Everybody. The cleanest house in town. 'Would you like to have the cleanest house in town?' 다 같이 따라 하고 발음 정정해줌. OK. 'Would you like to have the cleanest house in town?' Good,OK.You! 따라 한다. 'Would you like to have the cleanest house in town?' 


From the beginning now the woman says 'Good morning!' 'Everybody, Good morning?'  

The salesman says 'Good morning, madam, would you like to have the cleanest house in town?'

다들 따라한다. 'OK, good. Now the woman says 'Yes, of course I would.' 다들 따라 한다. 

Yes all right. this half of the class 'Yes, of course I would.'

This half. 'Yes, of course I would.' 따라한다. You please, 'Yes, of course I would.'따라한다.

Yes, of course. Yes, you have to sale it with say it with felling right 'Yes, of course I would.' 따라 한다.

Yes sir! 'Yes sir, yes, of course I would.' 

Yes everybody, 'Yes, of course I would.'

Salesman says 'then madam, you need the amazing Hoover vacuum cleaner.' 안 되는 발음 정정한다.

'Hoover vacuum cleaner' 'the amazing Hoover vacuum cleaner' 따라 한다.

This group then 'Madamm you need the amazing Hoover vacuum cleaner'.

All right, you. Then, madam you need the amazing Hoover vacuum cleaner'.  따라 함. Very good

Everybody 따라 한다. 

Now you remember that we don't write down these dialogues as we're saying them because at the end of the class I will give you a copy, so you can read it. Right now concentrate on memorizing it just from the sounds, OK?

Then later you'll be able to see it in writing.


So, from the beginning, the woman says 'Good morning!' 따라한다.

The man says 'Good mornng madam! would you like to have the cleanest house in town? 다 따라한다.

'Yes, of course, I would.' 따라한다. ' Then, madem. You need the amazing Hoover vacuum cleaner.' 따라한다.

'No, I don't.' 'What, why not?' Use the gesture. Try it with your hands. Use your hands. 따라한다 'What why not?'

'Yeah, why not? OK. Use the gesture, see. 'What, what, why not?' Try with your hands. Use your hand. 따라한다. 

OK. everybody together 'What why not?' OK. The woman says 'Because my husband does the cleaning in our house.' 따라한다. 정정한다. 전체 다시 따라한다. 'Because my husband does the cleaning in our house'



This gorup here please. Just this group. 'Because my husband does the cleaning in our house' Good. Listen to me. my husband does the cleaning in our house' Wait, wait. OK. Just you. Please you try it. 따라 하고 안 되는 발음 정정.

Now again. 'Because my husband does the cleaning in our house' Good. very good. Everybody. 'Because my husband does the cleaning in our house' 다 따라 한다. 


Then the salesman says 'Oh.' He's sad. Oh' 

I will be the salesman, and all of you will be the woman. OK, I'm the salesman. So ring the bell. Ring ring ring ring.

학생들 'Good morning!' 

선생 'Good morning madam, would you like to have the cleanest house in town?'

학생들 'Yes, of course, I would.' 

선생 'Then madam,  You need the amazing Hoover vacuum cleaner.'

학생들 'No, I don't' 

선생 'What? why not?' 

학생들 'Because my husband does the cleaning in our house.' 

선생 'Oh...'  


OK, now, Now will change, and you will be the salesman and I will be the woman, OK?

Ring the bell 'Ring ring ring ring' 

선생 'Good morning!

학생들 'Good morning madam, would you like to have the cleanest house in town?' 발음 정정함

선생 'Yes, of course, I would.' 

학생들 'Then madam,  You need the amazing Hoover vacuum cleaner.' 발음 정정

선생 'No, I don't' 

학생들 'What? why not?' 

선생'Because my husband does the cleaning in our house.' 

학생들 'Oh...'  


Can I have two volunteers. Come up placing and how about a woman no. And Hasan you can be the salesman? 

Here she is and we need a woman. Sonia, please. Oh just you begin. 

Ring the bell. 

여학생 'Good mornng'

남학생 ' 'Good morning madam, would you like to have the cleanest house in town?' 

선생 'Yes, of course, I would.' 

학생들 'Then madam,  You need the amazing Hoover vacuum cleaner.' 발음 정정

여학생 'No, I don't' 

남학생 'What? why not?' 선생 발음 교정 

여학생 'Because my husband does the cleaning in our house.' 

남학생 'Oh...'


선생 'Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry you didn't sell it. (웃음) excellent. We have two more people. Please do want people to do this. Two more volunteers, two more brave couraeous volunteers. Here's one? What are you? You want to be the salesman here saleswoman OK. And yes are the housewife. 



남학생 'Good mornng'

여학생 ' 'Good morning madam, would you like to have the cleanest house in town?' 

남학생 'Yes, of course, I would.' 발음 정정

여학생 'Then madam,  You need the amazing Hoover vacuum cleaner.' 발음 정정

남학생 'No, I don't' 

여학생 'What? why not?' 선생 발음 교정 

남학생 'Because my husband does the cleaning in our house.' 

여학생 'Oh..


Practice OK.  would you like to have the cleanest house in town?' 

'priettiest house. Good, would you  like to have the priettiest house in town?'

'greenest lawn' would you  like to have the greenest lawn in town?'

Good, OK. Now, this time individual people, OK. We'll do it again. 

Would you like to have the cleanest house in town?' 한 명 따라 하고 단어 단어 발음 정정해줌.

OK. every body Would you like to have the cleanest house in town?'안 되는 학생 다시 정정

'priettiest house. Good, would you  like to have the priettiest house in town?' 'good'

'the biggest car' ''priettiest house. Good, would you like to have the biggest car in town?'

'greenest lawn' would you  like to have the greenest lawn in town?'

Very good, very good. Now I will the question. Would you like to have the cleanest house in town?' 

You answer, 'Yes, of course, I would.' 

I asked the question, you give the answer. 'Would you like to have the cleanest house in town?' 

학생들 대답한다. 'Yes, of course, I would.' 

would you like to have the biggest car in town? 학생들 대답한다. 'Yes, of course, I would.' 

would you  like to have the greenest lawn in town?' 학생들 대답한다. 'Yes, of course, I would.' 

would you  like to have the priettiest house in town?' 학생들 대답한다. 'Yes, of course, I would.' 


Now you ask me the questions.

'cleanest house, ask me the question.' 학생들 묻는다 'Would you like to have the cleanest house in town?'

선생 대답한다. 'Yes, of course, I would.' 

'priettiest house.' 학생들 묻는다 'would you  like to have the priettiest house in town?'

선생 대답한다. 'Yes, of course, I would.' 

'the biggest car' 학생들 묻는다 'would you like to have the biggest car in town?'

선생 대답한다. 'Yes, of course, I would.' 

'the 'greenest lawn' 학생들 묻는다 'would you  like to have the greenest lawn in town?'

선생 실수, 웃음, 대답한다. 'Yes, of course, I would.' 

(back to the teacher educator) 

It's only now at the end of the grammar drilling that the students see the printed word.

선생 OK, now this time I'll read it and hen you repeat after me. Read it and repeat. OK? good. 


Good morning!

Good morning, madam. Would you like to have the cleanest house in town?

Yes, of course, I would.

Then madam,  You need the amazing Hoover vacuum cleaner.

No, I don't.

What? Whay not?

Because my husband does the cleaning in our house.



All right, now. For your homework for tomorrow I want you to memorize this. Memorize it. And tomorrow, in class tomorrow, I' going to ask you to say this perfectly with no mistakes without the paper. You understand? So your homework tonight is to memorize this perfectly. And then, the other you hve to do you have two things for homework. You have to sell this vacuum cleaner to someone. OK? Sell this vacuum cleaner to someome for homework. OK? (웃음) That's all for today, thank you for coming. See you tomorrow. Good bye. 

(back to the teacher educator) 

As the lesson began, we saw the teacher presenting a dialogue to the class. The students just listened to the teacher first. One of the ALM teaches major roles is that of a model of the target language. It's the students job to repeat as accurately as they can the teachers. Model language is seemed to be a process of habit formation. The more oftern the students repeat something, the stronger the habit and the greater the learning.


We saw how the students stumbled over one of the lines of the dialogue they were repeating. And this happened, the teacher used a backward builup drill with a troublesome line. He started at the end of the sentence and had the students repeat the final phrase to this he added each phrase in turn until the students were able to say the whole sentense smoothly. The teacher corrected students errors in other ways as wel. For example, by quickly saying the phrase for the stdents to hear and repeat.


It's important to prevent leaners from making errors since errors lead to the formation of bad habits. Later in a lessen, the teacher used grammar drills a single slot substitution drill and a question-and-answer drill. These drills help students to learn and even better to over learn the sentence patterns of the target language. The over learning leads to automaticity you may have noticed that the teacher often said good or very good. In this way, he positively reinforced his students work. Such reinforcement helps students develop correct habbits. It wasn't until the end of the lesson that the students got to see the written version of the dialog which they were learning. This is consistent with the ALM principle that speech is more basic to language in the written form.

This has been a presentation of the United States Information Agency television service.

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