교수법 < 암시 교수법
암시 교수법의 기원
암시 교수법(Suggestopedia)은 1970년대 불가리아 심리학자 Georgi Lozanov에 의해 개발된 교수법입니다. 협동 학습법, 침묵 학습법, 침묵 학습법과 같이, 암시 교수법은 매우 효과적인 언어 학습 결과를 보장합니다. 로자노브는 이 방법을 통해서 전통적인 방법보다 3~5배 정도로 빨리 언어를 가르칠 수 있다고 주장했습니다.
암시 교수법(Suggestopia는)의 이름은 "제안(suggestion)"과 "Pedagogy(교육학)"의 합성어인데, 주된 생각은 학습은 심리학적 장벽과 긍정적 제안의 반대 의견에서 유래했습니다. 그에 의하면 "인간이 계속 반응하고 있는 비합리적이고 (nonrational) 비이성적인 (non-conscience) 영향에 대한 체계적인 연구를 하는 하나의 과학"으로 설명하고 있는 암시학(Auggestology)에서 그 기원이 있습니다. 따라서 '암시'는 암시 교수법의 기저에 놓여 있는 학습 이론의 핵심입니다.
또한 이 방법은 요가로부터 의식과 집증의 상태를 전환시키는 기법과 율동적으로 호흡하는 방법을 빌려왔습니다. 또한 소비에트 심리학에서 그는 모든 학생들에게 주어진 문제를 같은 능력 수준으로 가르칠 수 있다는 견해를 피력하고 있습니다.
"모든 학생들은 같은 능력의 수준에서 주어진 문제를 배울 수 있다." Jack C. Richards and Theodore Rodgers (1986)
이런 목적을 위하여 수업은 감정적으로 편안한 환경에서 위로하는 음악을 배경으로 진행됩니다. 교사는 활발하게 학습자의 마음에 생각을 심고 빼기도 해야 합니다. 반면 학습자는 교수 자료가 학습자에게 굴러서들어갈 수 있는 '유사 수동적 상태(a pseudo-passive state)'를 유지해야 합니다. 따라서 그들 자신이 유아화 되기를 허용하도록 격려됩니다.
암시 교수법 수업의 특징
- 학습자들을 편하게 할 수있는 음악의 사용
- 편한 의자가 있는 밝고 기분좋은 교실 환경
- 교실의 장식, 가구 등의 배치, 교실의 배열
- 목표어인 모국어로 수업 진행
- 교사의 권위: 교사는 중요한 역할을 하며 모든 정보의 근원
- 성인 학생들의 유아화: 권위는 교사와 학생의 관계를 부모와 아이들의 관계처럼 암시
- 교사에 의한 긍정적인 제안과 부정적인 반대 제안
- 교사에 의한 대화 읽어주기, 음악에 맞춘 리듬과 억양
- 자기 전과 일어난 후 바로 실행하는 학습자의 대화 읽기 (숙제)
교실 내의 배치와 신체적 환경은 학생들이 편안하게 느낄 수 있는 주요 요인입니다. 예술 작품과 음악과 같은 다양한 기불의 사용이 교육받은 선생에 의해 사용됩니다. 암시 교수법으로 진행되는 수업은 처음에는 세 단계로 구성됩니다 - 코드 번역 단계, 콘서트 단계(기억 되살리기), 그리고 정교화 단계. 후반부에는 많은 시험이 수행되면서 네 단계로 진행됩니다. 소개 단계, 콘서트 단계, 정교화 단계, 생산 단계
- 소개 단계: 선생은 직접적인 방법으로 텍스트의 어휘와 문법을 분석하는 대신에 "연주하는 방식"으로 자료를 가르칩니다.
- 콘서트 단계 (적극적 및 소극적): 적극적 단계에서 선생은 선택된 음악이 연주되는 동안 특별안 억양으로 일기 활동을 합니다. 때때로 학생들이 선생과 같이 텍스트를 읽기도 하고, 선생이 특정 순간에 휴지를 할 때 음악만을 듣기도 합니다. 이 소극적(수동적) 단계는 더욱 조용히 진행됩니다.
- 정교화 단계: 선생이 상담사처럼 연기할 동안 학생들은 고전 음악을 부르고 게임을 합니다.
- 생산 단계: 학생들은 방해나 오류 수정 없이 즉흥적으로 목표어로 발화를 하고 상호작용을 합니다.
암시 교수법은 다음과 같은 이류로 비평을 받았습니다.
- 선생이 음악의 유효성과 편안한 의자의 문제에 직면할 때 이것은 실용적인 방법이 아니다.
- 로자노브는 이해와 창조적 문제 해경애 대한 언급을 배제하고 기억의 중요성에 대한 많은 예를 제시했습니다. 사실 언어는 기억하기 위한 마음의 힘뿐 아니라 다양한 예상할 수 없는 상황에서 이해하고, 상호작용하고 그리고 참신한 발화를 생산에 대한 것이라는 주장이었습니다.
위의 단점에도 불구하고 암시 교수법의 일부 이론은 받아들여져서 전 세계 선생들이 현장에서 적용하고 있습니다.
- 암시 교수법을 통해서 우리는 마음의 힘을 신뢰하는 것을 배운다.
- 우리는 또한 고의적으로 유도한 완화 상태(states of relaxation)이 교실 내에서 자주 가치가 있을 수 있음을 배웁니다.
- 우리는 또한 음악의 사용으로 학생들이 자리에 돌아가 안고 휴식을 취하게 하는 점에서 이익을 얻고 있습니다.
수업 시연 동영상
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rkrvRlty5M&t=22s (← 수업시연 동영상)
Hello and welcome back. My name is Diane Larson Freeman and I’m a teacher educator at the school for
international training. This is a second tape in a two tape video series brought to you through the courtesy of the USIA. On this tape, you will see demonstrations of three language teaching methods, Suggestopedia, Silent Way and the Communicative Approach.
The instructors all experienced language teachers and teacher educators from SIT have designed their lessons for intermediate level ESL students. They have chosen the theme of a house. The lessons you will see are somewhat shorter than the originals. They are meant only to introduce you to these methods. All of the methods have a richer repertoire of principles and techniques than can be portrayed here.
If you’re interested in learning more, other typical life lessons can be found in my book ‘Techniques and Principles and Language Teaching’, published by Oxford University Press. As you view the tape, try to remain open to what you
see. For example, don’t dismiss something because you are observing in English as a second language class with students from a number of different countries. And you teach in English as a foreign language situation where the students ae more homogeneous. Ask yourself instead is there valuable here which I can adapt to my own circumstances.
Suggest an opinion the first lesson you see on his videotape has been developed by Georg Eli. We set up
psychological barriers to learning we fear that we’ll be unable to perform that we will be limited in our ability to
learn or that we will fail.
One result is that we do not use the full mental powers that we have in order to make better use of our mental reserves. The limitations we think we have need to be suggested. Suggestopedia, the application of the study of suggestion to pedagogy has developed to help students leave that they can be successful and thus to help them overcome the barriers to learning. Watch our direct and indirect suggestions are made in the lesson. Suggestopedia will be demonstrated by my colleague Lisa Sparrow.
Good morning, this morning we’re going to work with a reading passage what I’d like to do is that asked is to ask that you get ready by relaxing a little bit just sit back I’m going to put on some different music and then I’m going to read I’m going to read something and I’m going to act it out for you and then I’m going to turn the music off and I’m going to read it again. But this time without acting it out. And at that point, I’d like you just to listen and to see how much you remember and you understand, OK? So, that’s how we’ll begin.
You can just be taking a deep breath being grateful that’s a nice beautiful morning today. You like this music reminds me of the early morning. [Music] Kind of pretend you’re back home in your apartment and it’s Saturday morning and he didn’t have to go anywhere. That’s the story of this woman. Mm-hmm so this is my bed.
My name is Sarah and I’m about to start reading the passage. So Sarah woke up early, the Sun pouring through the apartment window. She stretched lazily and placed her feet one by one on the floor. Rising from the bed, she
tiptoed through the boxes which lay everywhere and put a kettle of water on to boil. Waiting, she glanced over all
her possessions. Grateful she had the whole day before her.
She scooped instant coffee into a cup and pour it in the now boiling water. Stirring the coffee, she tried to decide where to begin. She took a quick sip of coffee and searched out her box of books. She ordered them neatly on a shelf, then she lifted her suitcase onto her bed. She unlatched the class and opened it. And hung her dresses [Music] carefully in the closet. Then she put the rest of her clothes in her chest of drawers. [Music]
In the last box, she found the dishes her mother had given her. She washed them thoroughly, [Music] dried them all and laid them carefully in the cupboard. [Music] As she closed the cupboard door, she signed and looked at the calendar. Tomorrow her roommate would come, but now Sarah had a home of her own.
OK, I’d like to do now is give you each of copy of this. You could pass them to each other and then stand up we’re going to read it together and see if we can enact it through. Let’s see if we can help ourselves remember all of this vocabulary, all these verbs. Alright, let’s try and act it out together and the idea. Here is that every time you say something if you can do an action. That will help you remember more of the vocabulary. So again so we’ll wait so we’ll start and we’ll read together and act as much as you can. If you need a little space, maybe you want to move over just a little bit so you don’t poke other people OK. Alright, ready? OK. Sarah woke up early. (학생들 계속 따라한다) The sun pouring through the apartment window. She stretched lazily. (And keep meeting with me) And placed her feet one by one on the floor. She tried to decide where to begin. She took a quick sip of coffee. And searched out her box of books. She ordered them neatly on the shelf. Then she lifted her suitcase on to the bed. She unlatched the class, opened it, and hung her dresses carefully in the closet. Then she put the rest of her clothes in her chest of drawers.
OK, very good. Sit down. Good, OK. You’re very smart. Have you noticed? OK. It is easy, isn’t it, yeah. Piece of cake, right. OK, let’s work a little bit on this pronunciation here. Here is some of the verbs we have. And as you see, I have them coded in colours. Let’s see if you can hear what the differences in the pronunciation. Can you read this one? Tiptoed. Stretched. What’s the difference, man? Tiptoed, stretched. This is a D and this is a T. A very interesting aspect of English pronunciation in the past tense. Let’s try these and see if this is true. Let’s read. Tiptoed, ordered, opened, closed, poured, dried, signed, stretched, placed, glanced, scooped, searched, unlatched, washed, looked.
Great! You could take out the envelope that you have on your chair now. Have a surprise for you, OK? You’ll see that one the pink card has a D on it. Right? And the Blue has a T. What I’d like you to do is to get so that you have one in each hand. Probably the easiest if everybody had the same one. So if you had your T in your left hand and your D in your right hand, OK. I’m going to stand in front of it. Now I’m going to say one of these verbs and I’d like you to listen carefully and see if you think it ends in a D or a T. Allright, OK. Just by listening as best as you can. Alright, stretched. Should have the blue. Good! Listening OK, listen, OK, placed – blue. Glanced – blue. (한 학생이 틀려서 웃음) You’re relaxing too much. We need to be a relaxed and alert, OK, relax, alright. Open, Hey good, OK. That should be pink. Take closed. (두명 blue 들어 웃음) Anna play the sake she puts two cards. OK. Tried, OK. Unlatched, washed, unlatched, OK. You’re getting pretty good so I think we’ll stop there that you can practice that a little bit later.
Alright if you I could ask you now to free your hands you don’t have to put things on the floor but you’re going to need your and see if we can do a little practice with the verbs that are irregular. These were all nice and easy because they had an ‘ed’ on the end but see if we can work with some of the verbs that aren’t I’m going to throw you the present tense of the verb and it’s just for your security sake we have them here. Wake-woke, lay-laid,
put-put, right. I don’t say the present now. Throw the ball to you and if you can say the past OK? Ready? ‘put-put’ good. ‘lie-lied’ ‘take-took’ take, you’re OK. She’s touch, OK. ‘Have-had’ Good! ‘Wake-woke’ ‘take-took’ Good! Alright. Great, thanks, OK.
Now you could take some time to go over these with a partner. The green sheets. This will give you a chance to practice your pronunciation and see if you can remember some of the words. So if you could work in twos – 2, 4, 6, 8 I think it you are there are even less. You might have to 24? OK. So this should theoretically be partner for everybody. Alright. What I’d like to do is have you practice one person reading through and the other person acted out, OK. Just a little bit. Alright, OK.
So one person read and the other person act out. You want to read, OK, Kofi said you have to act. Just turn to each
other. Just in your seat. You don’t have to move too much. Just for practice reading. Maybe you have time. (학생들 연습한다)
You have to go through it at least at once. We now need a volunteer to be Sarah and we the class will read and one person can come up and see if they can go through the activity, OK? Beautiful Sarah, here she comes.
OK, we need the beautiful music. Alright. So Sarah can go to bed and all of us will do the work. Will read. Very comfortable. OK, ready? Sarah woke up early. The sun pouring through the apartment window. She stretched lazily. And placed her feet one by one on the floor. Rising from the bed, she tiptoed through the boxes which lay everywhere and put a kettle of water on to boil. Waiting, she glanced over all her possessions. Grateful she had the whole day before her.
She scooped instant coffee into a cup and pour it in the now boiling water. Stirring the coffee, she tried to decide where to begin. She took a quick sip of coffee and searched out her box of books. She ordered them neatly on a shelf, then she lifted her suitcase onto her bed. She unlatched the class and opened it. And hung her dresses carefully in the closet. Then she put the rest of her clothes in her chest of drawers.
She tried to decide where to begin. She tiptoed through the boxes… She took a quick sip of coffee. And searched out her box of books. She ordered them neatly on the shelf. Then she lifted her suitcase on to the bed. She unlatched the class, opened it, and hung her dresses carefully in the closet. Then she put the rest of her clothes in her chest of drawers.
Very well done. Use a very beautiful Sarah don’t you think? Alright, now just to see how we can work with this and to give you a little bit homework for the next class. I’d like to ask that you turn your paper over. I’m going to give you a short dictation of some of the words. It’s very difficult? No. Piece of cake! Relax OK. Alright, again I’m going to read you a few sentences. They’re not the same as from the story. They’re the same words, but they’re different sentences. Alright? Got that the same words, familiar words from this reading, but different sentences, OK?
The first one. ‘Sarah looked over the dishes her mother had sent her. She glanced at the dresses which hung in her closet and quickly put them in her suitcase. OK then. Your homework for tomorrow you have to quick and easy things to do. One would be to check the dictation against the proper spelling on the other side and bring that to class tomorrow with any questions you have and second, if before you go to bed tonight if you could just take a minute and take out this piece of paper and read it through for yourself trying to remember as best you can some of the pronunciation and the intonation of that we’ve worked with today, OK? So, see you tomorrow!
This has been a presentation of the United Stated Information Agency television service.
교수법 이론 동영상
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNFrAGfi50A (← 교수법 이론 동영상)
[Music] Also in the 1970 Lozanov came up with a new methodology called Suggestopedia. As psychological theory was developing one of the ideas that came up was something called the ‘effective filter’. Basically the effective filter is a barrier to learning. It’s the reasons why we inhibit our learning of a particular language.
1970년에 라자노브는 암시 교수법이라는 새로운 방법론을 소개되었습니다. 심리학적 이론으로 ‘정의적 여과막(effectivefilter)’라는 어떠한 생각이 개발되었습니다. 기본적으로 정의적 여과막은 언어에 한 장벽입니다. 그런 이유로 우리가 특정 언어를 배울 수 없는 것입니다.
There are two main elements to the effective filter, two sets of factors if you like those are known as internal and external factors, the external factors to learning. The reasons why we have barriers to learning maybe just simple things such as external noise so people talking to us while we’re trying to learn and so on and so forth.
정의적 여과막에 두 가지 주요 요소가 있습니다. 이 두 가지 요인은 내부적 요인과 외부적 요인으로 알려져 있습니다. 외부적 요인은 학습에 대한 것입니다. 우리가 왜 이러한 학습에 대한 장벽을 갖는 이유는 간단합니다. 우리가 배우려고 노력하는 동안 사람들이 우리에게 말을 할 경우와 같이 외부 소음과 같은 것들 때문입니다.
Perhaps more important are these internal factors. And the internal factors’ one of the main things here is our previous experience. If we have tried to learn a language in the past and we have not been successful, that forms an internal barrier to further learning in the future. The idea of Suggestopedia is that we reduce this effective filter to its lowest possible value.
아마도 더 중요한 것은 내부적 요인입니다. 중요한 내부적 요인 중 하나는 우리의 이전 경험입니다. 과거에 언어를 배우려고 시도했고 성공적이지 않았다면 앞으로 더 배우는데 내부 장애를 형성하게 되기 때문입니다. 암시 교수법은 가장 낮은 수중으로 이러한 정의적 여과막을 감소하는 것입니다.
Now theory tells us that the effective filter has its lowest value when we’re in the womb. And so one of the ideas of Suggestopedia was try to recreate the conditions of feeling safe in the womb. And our effective filter will now be at its lowest possible value and we will be the most receptive to learning at that point. So how do we actually go about teaching in this situation, well what we try to do is first of all reduce the effective filter through the internal and external factors down to its lowest value.
이론은 우리가 자궁 안에 있을 때 정의적 여과막이 가장 낮은 값을 갖는다고 설명합니다. 그리고 암시 교수법의 이론 중 하나는 자궁 안에서 느끼는 조건을 다시 만들자는 것입니다. 그러면 우리의 정의적 여과막은 가능한 가장 낮은 값으로 내려가게 되고 우리는 그 시점에서 학습에 가장 수용적이 될 것이라는 주장입니다. 그래서 이 조건에서 실제 어떻게 학습을 할 수 있는가 하는 것은 우선 내부 요인과 외부 요인을 통해서 가장 낮은 값으로 정의적 여과막을 낮추도록 노력해야 합니다.
So our students are made to feel comfortable first of all and then we have the use of music. The use of music into Suggestopedia is in different forms depending on which part of the lesson that we’re in. The idea is in the first section which is sometimes called the first concert, we use lively music and this is known as the active part of the lesson. The idea here is that the lively music will start to get our brain waves moving around and put it into a receptive mood.
그래서 우리의 학생들은 우선 편안해져야 하고 그런 다음에 우리는 음악을 사용합니다. 암시 교수법으로 음악의 사용은 어떤 수업의 부분에 있는가에 따른 형태를 갖습니다. 첫 단계에서의 이 생각은 ‘첫 콘서트(first concert)’라고 부르고 이 부분에서는 생기 있는 음악을 사용하고 이때 수업은 활발한 부분으로 볼 수 있습니다. 여기에서 생각은 생기 있는 음악이 우리의 뇌를 움직이기 시작해서 수용적인 분위기로 만든다는 것입니다.
Then in the second concert, the teacher will introduce the target language usually in the form of dictation while that’s taking place we use Baroque music which puts us into a passive state and allows us almost to become like a sponge and absorb this particular information.
그리고 ‘두 번째 콘서트(second concert)’에서 선생은 보통 받아쓰기 형식으로 목표어를 소개합니다. 그동안 우리는 바로크 음악을 사용하여 수동적인 상태로 분위기를 조성하고 학생들은 거의 스펀지와 같이 되어 특정 정보를 흡수하게 됩니다.
Once that’s been completed we can then use that knowledge in some form of production. Now in terms of positive things for the students in reducing this effect it filtered down to its lowest value, it makes the actual lessons a very comfortable experience for our students.
한번 이것이 완성되면 생산(production)이라는 형태로 지식을 사용할 수 있습니다. 이제 그 효과가 감소하는 가운데 학생들을 위해 긍정적인 관점에서 정의적 여과막은 가장 낮은 값으로 필터링됩니다. 그러 인해 학생들은 실제 수업을 매우 편안한 경험으로 받아들이게 됩니다.
The second positive thing about it is whilst it may sound strange itself in terms of technique, it does come from a very clear psychological theory in the terms of the effective filter, and the fact that we are more receptive to learning when that effective filter is low in value. In terms of the negatives, it’s obviously very very different to anything that we’re used to. And some people say it’s just too difference. The fact that it is so different can increase our effective filter in effect because we think it’s not going to work.
두 번째 이 점에 대해 긍정적인 점은 기술이라는 점에서 이상하게 들릴 수 있지만, 정의적 여과막이라는 용어에서 매우 명확한 심리학적 이론에 근거가 있다는 점이고, 정의적 여과막의 값이 낮아질 때 학습에 더 수용적이 된다는 사실입니다. 부정적인 요인으로는, 우리가 사용했던 교수법들과는 분명히 매우 매우 다르다는 점입니다. 어떤 사람들은 그저 많이 다르다고 말합니다. 그 방법이 많이 다른 사실은 사실 우리의 정의적 여과막을 증가시킬 수 있습니다. 왜냐하면 그 방법이 효율적이지 않을 것이라고 생각할 수 있기 때문입니다.
Secondly it’s not easy to create these ideal conditions that are necessary to reduce your effective filter. There aren’t too many schools that would have the facilities first of all to actually produce all of these conditions.
두 번째로 이러한 정의적 여과막을 감소시키기 위해 필요한 이상적인 조건들을 만드는 것이 쉽지 않다는 것입니다. 우선 이러한 모든 조건들을 실제 만들 수 있는 시설을 갖추고 있는 학교들이 그리 많지 않다는 것이지요.
International FEFL and TESOL Training